This show begins a series on social justice and spirituality done by the fantastic Lucia Martinez. Lucia was inspired to create the series based on her struggles balancing her own spirituality with her passion for activism and social justice. She sought out people who she felt managed to unify both aspects of their lives and this great series is the result.
In this episode Lucia talks with Reverend Martha Quintana, who is the Senior Minister at the Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living. During the conversation she discusses her earlier work in labor organizing, her personal struggles and the spiritual awakening that led her to her current vocation. It is a powerful discussion that you won’t want to miss! Check it out:
Stayed tuned for more of this series.
Music Featured:
“Muhammed Walks”-Lupe Fiasco
“Exist to Remain”- I Self Devine
“If Your Out There”- John Legend
“Holy Now”- Peter Mayer
“Redemption Song”- Bob Marley
“Brave Spirit”- Wagogo
Production Team:
Hosts: Rashad Mahmood and Jazlin Mendoza
Music Host: Nidal Jawad
Interviewer: Lucia Marinez