e.Woke #35: Don’t Swipe Right

Welcome to e.Woke #35!

The fight for net neutrality is alive and well. Your search for love is a target for hackers. This week, we talk about Net Neutrality, Edward Snowden, and your digital love life! Let’s jump right in!

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Sorry, FCC: Montana is enforcing net neutrality with new executive order

Montana, come through! A new executive order signed by Montana Governor Steve Bullock calls for all ISPs to follow net neutrality rules or they will not be allowed to provide services in Montana. This is a huge step in the right direction and will soon hopefully influence other states who have called for the protection of net neutrality to protest in the same way.

(via Ars Technica / Motherboard / The New York Times )

Edward Snowden is campaigning against the world’s largest biometric ID programme

He remains a man of the people. Edward Snowden, a well known whistleblower and past CIA employee, has joined the campaign against India’s biggest biometric program, Aadhaar. “For months now, Aadhaar has been under attack due to privacy concerns and criticisms of the flawed implementation of the program-“. The abuse of such a program will no longer be tolerated.  

(via Quartz / BBC / Sify News )

Tinder’s Lack of Encryption Lets Strangers Spy on Your Swipes

Researchers at Tel Aviv-based app security firm Checkmarx showed just how easy it is peer into someone’s digital love life. Tinder lacks basic HTTPS encryption for photos, and because of this, hackers are able to see who you swipe right or left on. While Tinder does have some encryption in their app, this weak link can lead to invasions of privacy. (This is a video of how it looks to hack someone’s Tinder!)  

(via Wired / The Verge / Fortune )

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