e.Woke #31: Scheming to Save the Net

Welcome to e.Woke #31!

This week, we’re scheming to save the internet, and all of the powerful tools we gain from it. We’re talking about everything from net neutrality to an app that volunteers your computer’s spare power to get people out of jail.

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Comcast deleted net neutrality pledge the same day FCC announced repeal

As the struggle for net neutrality continues, “Comcast doesn’t prioritize internet traffic or create paid fast lanes,” is a thing of the past. The day the FCC announced their plan to repeal net neutrality, Comcast deleted that statement from their net neutrality page… suspicious. Their current net neutrality page is very simple and unspecific. (via Ars Technica)

The IRS Has Come Knocking at Bitcoin’s Door

The IRS comes for everyone. Cryptocurrency exchange company, Coinbase, was targeted by the Internal Revenue Service and was summoned to turn over files on their customers from 2013 through 2015 because of suspicion from the IRS that those who used cryptocurrency were not “reporting their gains to the government.” Also, the price of bitcoin just crossed $10,000 this week. (via Gizmodo)

Electrician Used Greasy Junk Food Bags to Hide His GPS Location and Skip Work

This week, in weird news: Tom Colella, a 60-year old electrician from Perth, Australia, did something so brilliant, yet simple. Colella stuck his company-isued PDA (with a tracker) into a chip-bag-turned-faraday-cage and successfully avoided being tracked by his employers. However… his employers were not happy with him avoiding his work. (via Gizmodo)

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