When the Mask Comes Off is a 17 -minute video and guide for community discussions about young people and mental health. The video features six young people from New Mexico talking about their experience living with mental illness. Through their voices, we hear honest stories about the struggle to understand and embrace who they are, and the journey toward solutions. The discussion guide provides questions to help people talk about the issue of youth mental illness, and to begin finding ways to ensure every young person finds support for mental health.
Watch “When the Mask Comes Off” Below:
We have provided download links of this video and all discussion guides at the bottom of the page.
About the national dialogue on mental health
On Jan. 16, 2013, President Barack Obama called for a national conversation on mental health to reduce the shame and secrecy associated with mental illness, encourage people to seek help if they are struggling with mental health problems, and encourage individuals whose friends or family are struggling to connect them to help. In response, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services worked with national partners to develop Creating Community Solutions, an initiative designed to get people and communities talking about mental health. Creating Community Solutions is helping communities organize dialogues and has created resources to help event organizers and participants talk about mental health and take action in their communities. Learn more at www.creatingcommunitysolutions.org. Everyday Democracy commissioned Generation Justice to produce When the Mask Comes Off as a resource to complement community dialogue about mental health.
How to use When the Mask Comes Off video and discussion guide
This resource is designed to start and guide discussion at community centers, churches, service clubs, after-school groups, and other community meetings. It includes discussion questions and tips for discussion leaders. The content and length of the event can be adapted to fit different audiences and time frames. Plan logistics to accommodate the video screening and either large-group or small-group discussions.
DOWNLOAD When the Mask Comes Off:
CLICK HERE to download the full video
We also offer the film on DVD for $10.00 per disc. Contact us at admin@generationjustice.org to place a request.
DOWNLOAD Discussion Guides (Available in English and Spanish):
When the Mask Comes Off Discussion Guide (School)
Cuando Se Quita La Mascara Para Discusiones (Escolares)
Are you using When the Mask Comes Off for your school or community group? Tell us about it! We would love to know about the reach, success stories, and impact of our video and discussion guides. Please email us at admin@generationjustice.org and tell us where you are from, how many people in your school or community group watched the video, and any feedback you or members of your group would like to share.