This video is a recap of youth interviews and photos Generation Justice compiled during the 2019 Innovation Symposium.
Jazlin’s Story #PrisonPhoneJustice
Jazlin shares her heartwarming memories of her father and her experience growing up with him in prison. She shares the challenges in being able to call him due to the systemic barriers surrounding prison calls in our current system.
CABQ Office of Immigrant & Refugee Affairs: Shafiqa’s Story
This is the first video in the City of Albuquerque’s Office of Refugee Resettlement Project. The goal of this project is to share the experiences of refugees have been resettled in Albuquerque. In this video, Shafiqa shares her experience resettling and adjusting to life in Albuquerque.
CABQ – Office of Immigrant & Refugee Affairs Project (Janvier)
This is the second video in the City of Albuquerque’s Office of Refugee Resettlement Project. The goal of this project is to share the experiences of refugees have been resettled in Albuquerque. In this video, Janvier shares his memories from living in Congo and his experience resettling and adjusting to life in Albuquerque.
CABQ Office of Immigrant & Refugee Affairs: Guillermo’s Story
This is the third video in the City of Albuquerque’s Office of Refugee Resettlement Project. The goal of this project is to share the experiences of refugees who have been resettled in Albuquerque. In this video, Guillermo shares his experience raising his family, resettling, and adjusting to life in Albuquerque.