5.31.20 – Kerner Commission, Discrimination, and Voter Suppression


This week on Generation Justice we learned from former U.S Senator Fred Harris, the last remaining member of the Kerner Commission, established by President Lyndon Johnson to investigate the causes of social unrest of 1967.

We will also share a debate from NPR’s All things Considered about the discrimination black men face in public spaces. This segment was produced by long-time GJ member Jason Fuller, and a special interview conducted by our good friends at “CounterSpin” about voting suppression in America.

A huge thank you to Jason Fuller, Aisla Chang of NPR’s All Things Considered and to Janine Jackson and the producers for CounterSpin for this great work! 


GJ Producer- Kateri Zuni 

GJ Executive Producer- Roberta Rael 

NPR Host/Interviewer- Aisla Chang

NPR Producer- Jason Fuller 

Counterspin Host/Interviewer- Janine Jackson