
8.7.22 Janine Jackson on Media Ownership!

Generation Justice · 8.7.22 Janine Jackson on Media Ownership! This week on Generation Justice, we proudly featured an incredible presentation on mis and disinformation and media inequity from Janine Jackson! Janine is the program director of FAIR, a 1986 media watch group & is also the host and producer of the weekly program, Counterspin! Counterspin...

5.31.20 – Kerner Commission, Discrimination, and Voter Suppression

5.31.20 – Kerner Commission, Discrimination, and Voter Suppression

  This week on Generation Justice we learned from former U.S Senator Fred Harris, the last remaining member of the Kerner Commission, established by President Lyndon Johnson to investigate the causes of social unrest of 1967. We will also share a debate from NPR’s All things Considered about the discrimination black men face in public...