Our community woke up today to the devastating news that local NM hip hop artist Andrew Martinez, Wake Self has passed. Just last week, Andrew asked that Generation Justice youth producers interview him about his new album. This is who he was. He showed up for the youth of New Mexico and he always showed...
I.N.S.P.I.R.E. Series: Laurie Weahkee
“Think about generations yet to come” By Pauly Denetclaw and Christina Rodriguez ALBUQUERQUE N.M. — The trail to the top was steep and lined with hundreds of black volcanic rocks. There was a slight breeze but it offered little relief to the already hot summer morning. Laurie Weahkee looked to the summit of Boca...
I.N.S.P.I.R.E. Series: Moneka Stevens-Cordova
“I am my community” By Chantel Trujillo & Jason Fuller ALBUQUERQUE N.M. — Moneka Stevens-Cordova was in her late teens when she heard the call for youth advocacy. At the time, she was living in a group home. “There was a 13 year old that came in and I remember thinking,...
I.N.S.P.I.R.E. Series: Tomas Guillermo Martinez
“I Am Who I Serve” Tomas Martinez is an outreach coordinator and a promotor at La Plazita Institute in Albuquerque, New Mexico. [Photo: Alden Bruce] By Lucia Martinez and Thema Fenderson ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — “I love the National Geographic because it saved my life,” says Tomas Martinez, recalling the 1980 prison riot at...