Alex Torres

Alex Torres

Alex is one fourth Cochiti, and the rest Hispanic. He has lived in Albuquerque, New Mexico all his life, though he would like to call it Albucrazy. He doesn’t know much about heritage, all he knows is that he’s native to the graceful, Land of Enchantment. He joined Generation Justice in the hopes of comprehending...

Adrian Rivas

Adrian Rivas

Good Morrow, the name is Adrian Rivas. You spell it with A-D-R-I-A-N. In the name dictionary Adrian means a dark one. Ironically I am the darkest skinned child out of my siblings. I am left-handed. Statistics shows left handed folks tend to succeed in life better than right-handed folks. Na, I’m just joshing ya. I...

Adam Valdez

Adam Valdez

Adam J. Valdez was born and raised in Albuquerque, New Mexico.He is fifteen, loud, jovial, comical, and very outgoing. He joined Generation Justice in May 2011 because he wanted to meet new people, try something new, and most of all learn new things. Last year, he was in an improv club called The Box, which started to...